totn Access 2003 VBA Debugging

MS Access 2003: Check Values in VBA

This MSAccess tutorial explains how to check values in the VBA debugging environment in Access 2003 (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions).

Checking values

Now that we have reached our breakpoint and the code has been suspended, we have the opportunity to check values of variables or Access objects (ie: text box, combo box, etc) in your VBA at the time the program was suspended.

Microsoft Access

To check the value of a variable or object, you can move your mouse pointer over the variable in the VBA code. Bubble text will appear displaying the variable/object name and its value in its current state.

Microsoft Access

In this example, we've moved the mouse pointer over the combo box called cboKeyword. The bubble text displays the cboKeyword combo box name with a value of "monitor".

This feature is useful if you need to quickly check a variable/object in your code.