totn Access 2003 Tab Controls

MS Access 2003: Page Captions on Multiple Rows

This MSAccess tutorial explains how to display page captions on multiple rows for a tab control in Access 2003 (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions).

Displaying Captions on Multiple Rows

As you customize your Tab Control, you may find that you have more tab pages than can display on your screen and arrows appear to the right of your page labels (see picture below).

Microsoft Access

If you'd rather have the page captions appear on multiple rows, select the Tab Control object (not a page, but the whole Tab Control).

In the Property window for the Tab Control, change the Property called "Multi Row" to Yes.

Microsoft Access

Now when you view your Tab Control, you can see that the tab captions appear in multiple rows.

Microsoft Access

Congratulations! You've now created your first Tab Control.