totn JavaScript

JavaScript Tutorial

JavaScript is often abbreviated as JS. It is a scripting language for the web and supported by most web browsers such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc. All web developers should know the basics of how to read, write, and troubleshoot JavaScript.

This tutorial will start with an introduction to JavaScript and will move through the basic components of the JavaScript language.


There are no prequisities for this JavaScript tutorial. You should be able to easily understand this tutorial and learn the basic concepts of JavaScript as you progress to the more advanced JavaScript topics.

Now, let's get started learning JavaScript!

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JavaScript Basics

Comments Commenting code in JavaScript
Literals Literals such as string, number, boolean and null
Reserved Words List of reserved words that have special meaning
Operators Comparison, mathematical and assignment operators
Variables Declare variables and assign values
Console Log Console for debugging and troubleshooting

JavaScript Loops and Conditional Statements

if-else Execute code based on conditions
switch Execute code based on the value of an expression
while loop Execute code repeatedly (termination condition at start of loop)
do-while loop Execute code repeatedly (termination condition at end of loop)
for loop Execute code repeatedly for a fixed number of times
for-in loop Iterate through the properties of an object
break Terminate a loop early
continue Restart a new iteration of a loop (skipping remainder of current iteration)

JavaScript String Methods

anchor Create the HTML <a> element (or anchor)
big Create the HTML <big> element
blink Create the HTML <blink> element
bold Create the HTML <b> element
charAt Retrieve a character at a specific position in a string
charCodeAt Retrieve a Unicode value for a character at a specific position in a string
codePointAt Retrieve a Unicode code point for a character at a specific position in a string
concat Concatenate strings together
endsWith Determine whether a string ends with a specific substring
fixed Create the HTML <tt> element
fontcolor Create the HTML <font> element with a font color
fontsize Create the HTML <font> element with a font size
fromCharCode Create a string from a sequence of Unicode values
fromCodePoint Create a string from a sequence of Unicode code points
includes Determine whether a substring is found in a string
indexOf Find the location of a substring in a string
italics Create the HTML <i> element
lastIndexOf Find the location of a substring in a string, searching backwards
localeCompare Compare two strings and determine which string comes first in the sort order (based on locale)
match Find matches based on regular expression matching
normalize Convert a string to its Unicode Normalization Form
padEnd Pad the end of a string with a specific string
padStart Pad the start of a string with a specific string
repeat Repeat a string a specified number of times
replace Replace occurrences of a specified string or regular expression with a replacement string
search Search for a specific string or regular expression
slice Extract a substring from a string
small Create the HTML <small> element
split Split a string into an array of strings using delimiter
startsWith Determine whether a string starts with a specific substring
strike Create the HTML <strike> element
sub Create the HTML <sub> element
substr Extract a substring from a string given a start position and a length
substring Extract a substring from a string given a start and end position
sup Create the HTML <sup> element
toLocaleLowerCase Convert a string to lowercase based on a locale
toLocaleUpperCase Convert a string to uppercase based on a locale
toLowerCase Convert a string to lowercase
toString Return a string representation of an object
toUpperCase Convert a string to uppercase
trim Remove whitespace characters from start and end of string
trimEnd Remove whitespace characters from end of string
trimStart Remove whitespace characters from start of string
valueOf Return the primitive value of a string object

JavaScript Number Methods

EPSILON Return the smallest positive number approaching zero
isFinite Return a Boolean value indicating whether a value is a finite number
isInteger Return a Boolean value indicating whether a value is an integer
isNaN Return a Boolean value indicating whether a value is of type Number with a value of NaN
isSafeInteger Return a Boolean value indicating whether a value is a safe integer
MAX_SAFE_INTEGER Return the maximum safe integer value
MAX_VALUE Return the maximum numeric value
MIN_SAFE_INTEGER Return the minimum safe integer value
MIN_VALUE Return the smallest positive numeric value
NaN Return the value that represents Not-A-Number
NEGATIVE_INFINITY Return the value that represents negative infinity
parseFloat Parse a string and return a floating point number
parseInt Parse a string and return an integer number
POSITIVE_INFINITY Return the value that represents positive infinity
toExponential Convert a number to exponential notation
toFixed Convert a number to fixed-point notation
toLocaleString Convert a number to a locale-specific numeric representation
toPrecision Convert a number to a specific precision
toString Convert a number to a string
valueOf Return the primitive value of a Number object

JavaScript Math Functions

abs Return the absolute value of a number
acos Calculate the arc cosine of a number
acosh Calculate the hyperbolic arc cosine of a number
asin Calculate the arc sine of a number
asinh Calculate the hyperbolic arc sine of a number
atan Calculate the arc tangent of a number
atan2 Calculate the arc tangent of (x,y) coordinates
atanh Calculate the hyperbolic arc tangent of a number
cbrt Calculate the cube root of a number
ceil Round a number up and return an integer value
clz32 Count the number of leading zeros in a number represented as 32-bit binary
cos Calculate the cosine of a number
cosh Calculate the hyperbolic cosine of a number
E Return the value of the mathematical constant e
exp Return e raised to the power of number (enumber)
expm1 Return e raised to the power of number minus 1 (enumber - 1)
floor Round a number down and return an integer value
fround Round a number to a 32-bit single precision float
hypot Return the square root of the sum of squares of the parameters provided
imul Return the 32-bit integer multiplication of two numbers
LN10 Return the natural logarithm of 10
LN2 Return the natural logarithm of 2
log Return the natural logarithm of a number
log10 Return the base-10 logarithm of a number
LOG10E Return the value of log10e
log1p Return the natural logarithm of a number + 1
log2 Return the base-2 logarithm of a number
LOG2E Return the value of log2e
max Return the largest value from the numbers provided
min Return the smallest value from the numbers provided
PI Return the value of the mathematical constant π (pi)
pow Return m raised to the nth power
random Return a random number
round Return number rounded to the nearest integer
sign Return a value indicating the sign of a number
sin Return the sine of a number
sinh Return the hyperbolic sine of a number
sqrt Return the square root of a number
SQRT1_2 Return the square root of 1/2
SQRT2 Return the square root of 2
tan Return the tangent of a number
tanh Return the hyperbolic tangent of a number
trunc Return the integer portion of a number

JavaScript Array Methods

concat Concatenate two or more arrays into a new array
copyWithin Copy a portion of an array from one location in the array to another location
entries Return a new Array iterator object
every Return a Boolean value indicating whether every element satisfies a criteria
fill Fill elements of an array with a specified value
filter Return a new array with only the elements that satisfy a crtieria