totn JavaScript

JavaScript: Operators

This JavaScript tutorial explores the various operators available in the JavaScript language with syntax and examples.


Operators are used in JavaScript code to perform comparisons, mathematical operations, and assignments. Let's take a look at the different types of operators.

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are the operators that you would use to compare for equality, inequality as well as value (or data type) differences. Below is a list of the comparison operators in JavaScript:

Operator Data Type Description Example
== any Tests for equality
(performs implicit data type conversion)
h == 15
!= any Tests for inequality
(performs implicit data type conversion)
h != 7
=== any Tests for equality and same data type h === 3
!== any Tests for inequality or different data type h !== 4
> numbers, strings Greater Than h > 12
>= numbers, strings Greater Than or Equal h >= 9
< numbers, strings Less Than h < 5
<= numbers, strings Less Than or Equal h <= 100

Mathematical Operators

Mathematical operators are the operators that you would use to perform math operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Below is a list of the mathematical operators in JavaScript:

Operator Data Type Description Example
+ numbers Addition h = h + 8
- numbers Subtraction h = h - 4
* numbers Multiplication h = h * 12
/ numbers Division h = h / 10
% numbers Remainder after division is performed h = h % 7
++ numbers Increment
(pre-increment or post-increment)
-- numbers Decrement
(pre-decrement or post-decrement)

Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are the operators that you would use to assign a value to a variable. Below is a list of the assignment operators in JavaScript:

Operator Data Type Description Example
= any variable Assign value h = 8
+= any variable Add and assign value
(same as h = h + 3)
h += 3
-= any variable Subtract and assign value
(same as h = h - 12)
h -= 12
*= any variable Multiply and assign value
(same as h = h * 7)
h *= 7
/= any variable Divide and assign value
(same as h = h / 5)
h /= 5
%= any variable Divide and assign remainder value
(same as h = h % 10)
h %= 10
<<= any variable Left shift and assign value
(same as h = h << 3)
h <<= 3
>>= any variable Right shift with sign extension and assign value
(same as h = h >> 9)
h >>= 9
>>>== any variable Right shift with zero extension and assign value
(same as h = h >>> 17)
h >>>= 17
&= any variable Bitwise AND and assign value
(same as h = h & 6)
h &= 6
^= any variable Bitwise XOR and assign value
(same as h = h ^ 4)
h ^= 4
|= any variable Bitwise OR and assign value
(same as h = h | 50)
h |= 50

Logical Operators

Below is a list of the logical operators in JavaScript:

Operator Data Type Description Example
&& boolean Logical AND (h == 40 && j > 2)
|| boolean Logical OR (h == 35 || j < 10)
! boolean Logical NOT
(inverts the boolean value)
!(h <= 7)

String Operators

Below is a list of the string operators in JavaScript:

Operator Data Type Description Example
+ string Concatenate

h = "Tech" + "OnTheNet"

The variable h would contain the value "TechOnTheNet"

+= string Concatenate by appending to the end of the string

h += "OnTheNet"

If the variable h starts with a value of "Tech", the += operator would append "OnTheNet" to "Tech" and the variable h would contain the value "TechOnTheNet"

Bitwise Operators

Below is a list of the bitwise operators in JavaScript:

Operator Data Type Description Example

(32 bit number)

Bitwise AND h = h & 6
^ integer
(32 bit number)
Bitwise XOR h = h ^ 4
| integer
(32 bit number)
Bitwise OR h = h | 50
<< integer
(32 bit number)
Left shift h = h << 7
>> integer
(32 bit number)
Right shift with sign extension h = h >> 3
>>> integer
(32 bit number)
Right shift with zero extension h = h >>> 22

Conditional Operator

The conditional operator (known as the ?: operator) is a special operator that allows you to assign one value when the condition is true and another value when the condition is false. This operator requires a little more explanation, so let's get started!

The syntax for this conditional operator is:

variable_name = (condition) ? true_value : false_value;

Parameters or Arguments

The variable that will be assigned a value.
The condition to be evaluated.
The value that is assigned to variable_name when the condition is true.
The value that is assigned to variable_name when the condition is false.


Here is an example of how to use this conditional operator:

numType = (x < 0) ? "Negative" : "Positive";

In this example, if x is less than 0, the value "Negative" will be assigned to the variable numType. Otherwise, the value "Positive" will be assigned to numType.