totn JavaScript

JavaScript: Array find() method

This JavaScript tutorial explains how to use the Array method called find() with syntax and examples.


In JavaScript, find() is an Array method that is used to return the value of the first element in the array that meets a specific criteria. Because the find() method is a method of the Array object, it must be invoked through a particular instance of the Array class.


In JavaScript, the syntax for the find() method is:

array.find(callback(element [, index [, array]]) [,thisParameter]);

Parameters or Arguments

A callback function to test each element of the array.
The current element of the array.
Optional. The index of the current element within the array.
Optional. A reference to the original array.
Optional. A parameter that will be used as this within the callback function.


The find() method returns the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the criteria provided. In the event that none of the elements satisfy the criteria, the find() method will return undefined.


  • The find() method does not modify the original array.


Let's take a look at an example of how to use the find() method in JavaScript.

For example:

var totn_array = [ -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 ];

function greater_than_zero(totn_element) {
   return totn_element > 0;


In this example, we have declared an array object called totn_array that has 5 elements. We have then invoked the find() method of the totn_array variable to test each element value using the callback function greater_than_zero.

We have written the output of the find() method to the web browser console log, for demonstration purposes, to show what the find() method returns.

The following will be output to the web browser console log:


In this example, the find() method will return the value 1 which is the first element in the array that satisfied the crtieria of being greater than zero.

Using the thisParameter

When you use the optional parameter called thisParameter, the find() method will provide the value of thisParameter as this within the callback function.

For example:

var totn_array = [ "tech", "on", "the", "net" ];
var msg = "The element being tested is: ";

function contains_n_char(totn_element) {
   window.console.log(this + totn_element);
   return totn_element.indexOf('n') !== -1;

window.console.log(totn_array.find(contains_n_char, msg));

In this example, we have used thisParameter to provide the following string value as this in the callback function:

"The element being tested is: "

The following will be output to the web browser console log:

The element being tested is: tech
The element being tested is: on

In this case, the find() method will return the value "on" which is the first element that contains the "n" character (we use the indexOf method to test if each element contains the "n" character).

Once the find() method encounters an element that satisfies the criteria, it immediately returns the value of that element and does not process the rest of the elements in the array (preventing the find() method from processing the elements "the" and "net" in the array). This is seen by the output to the web browser console log.