totn MariaDB Functions

MariaDB: TIMEDIFF Function

This MariaDB tutorial explains how to use the MariaDB TIMEDIFF function with syntax and examples.


The MariaDB TIMEDIFF function returns the difference (expressed as a time value) between two time/datetime values.


The syntax for the TIMEDIFF function in MariaDB is:

TIMEDIFF( time1, time2 )

Parameters or Arguments

time1 and time2
The two time/datetime to calculate the difference between. The calculation is time1 - time2.


  • A time value can range from -838:59:59' to '838:59:59'.
  • When using the TIMEDIFF function, both time1 and time2 must be both time values, or both datetime values. You can not have one be a time value and the other be a datetime value, or the TIMEDIFF function will return a NULL value.

Applies To

The TIMEDIFF function can be used in the following versions of MariaDB:

  • MariaDB 10


Let's look at some MariaDB TIMEDIFF function examples and explore how to use the TIMEDIFF function in MariaDB.

For example:

SELECT TIMEDIFF('2014-11-16 12:10:08', '2014-11-16 12:10:07');
Result: '00:00:01'

SELECT TIMEDIFF('12:10:08', '12:10:07');
Result: '00:00:01'

SELECT TIMEDIFF('11:41:14', '12:10:08');
Result: '-00:28:54'

SELECT TIMEDIFF('2014-11-16 12:10:08', '2014-11-15 12:10:08');
Result: '24:00:00'

SELECT TIMEDIFF('2014-11-16 12:10:08', '12:10:08');
Result: NULL