totn MariaDB Functions

MariaDB: IF Function

This MariaDB tutorial explains how to use the MariaDB IF function with syntax and examples.


The MariaDB IF function returns one value if a condition evaluates to TRUE, or another value if it evaluates to FALSE.


The syntax for the IF function in MariaDB is:

IF( condition, [value_if_true], [value_if_false] )

Parameters or Arguments

The value that you want to test.
Optional. It is the value that is returned if condition evaluates to TRUE.
Optional. It is the value that is return if condition evaluates to FALSE.


  • The MariaDB IF function can return either a string or a numeric value, depending on the context of how it is used.

Applies To

The IF function can be used in the following versions of MariaDB:

  • MariaDB 10


Let's look at some MariaDB IF function examples and explore how to use the IF function in MariaDB.

MariaDB IF Function - Returns String Value

Let's look at how to use the IF function in MariaDB to return a string value.

For example:

SELECT IF(5<15, 'yes', 'no');
Result: 'yes'

In this IF function example, the condition is 5<15. If this condition is TRUE, the IF function will return 'yes'. Otherwise, the IF function will return 'no'.

The first IF function example uses a numeric condition. However, you can also use the IF function with a string condition.

For example:

SELECT IF(STRCMP('','')=0, 'yes', 'no');
Result: 'no'

In this IF function example, the condition uses the STRCMP function to compare 2 strings: STRCMP('','').

If the string '' is the same as the string '', the IF function will return 'yes'. Otherwise, the IF function will return 'no'.

MariaDB IF Function - Returns Numeric Value

This next IF function example shows how you would return a numeric value.

For example:

SELECT IF(6>25, 2, 3);
Result: 3

In this IF function example, the condition is 6>25. If this condition is TRUE, the IF function will return the numeric value 2. Otherwise, if the condition is FALSE, the IF function will return 3.

MariaDB IF Function - Test Column Value

Let's look at an example that uses the IF function to test the value of a column in a table.

For example:

SELECT site_id, site_name, IF(server_name='MyServer', 'Upgrade', 'Do Nothing')
FROM sites;

In this IF function example, the IF function tests the value of the server_name field in the sites table. The IF function will evaluate the condition, server_name='MyServer', for each row in our result set.

So (for each row) if server_name='MyServer', the IF function will return 'Upgrade'. Otherwise, the IF function will return 'Do Nothing'.