totn HTML

HTML: <hr> tag

This HTML tutorial explains how to use the HTML element called the <hr> tag with syntax and examples.


The HTML <hr> tag defines a thematic break between paragraphs in HTML5, and a horizontal rule in HTML 4.01. This tag is also commonly referred to as the <hr> element.


In HTML, the syntax for the <hr> tag is:

<p>This is the first paragraph.</p>
<p>This is the second paragraph.</p>

or in XHTML, the syntax for the <hr> tag is:

<p>This is the first paragraph.</p>
<hr />
<p>This is the second paragraph.</p>

Sample Output


In addition to the Global Attributes, the following is a list of attributes that are specific to the <hr> tag:

Attribute Description HTML Compatibility
align Alignment of the rule. If this attribute is omitted, the default is left Deprecated in HTML 4.01, Obsolete in HTML5
color Color of the rule in either hexadecimal (ie: #RRGGBB format) or named color (ie: black, red, white) Non-standard
noshade No shading on the rule Deprecated in HTML 4.01, Obsolete in HTML5
size Height of the rule in pixels Deprecated in HTML 4.01, Obsolete in HTML5
width Width of the rule expressed in pixels or as a percentage Deprecated in HTML 4.01, Obsolete in HTML5


  • The HTML <hr> element is found within the <body> tag.
  • The <hr> tag is a thematic break between paragraphs in HTML5.
  • The <hr> tag is a horizontal rule in HTML 4.01 (and previous versions of HTML).

Browser Compatibility

The <hr> tag has basic support with the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Android
  • Firefox (Gecko)
  • Firefox Mobile (Gecko)
  • Internet Explorer (IE)
  • Edge Mobile
  • Opera
  • Opera Mobile
  • Safari (WebKit)
  • Safari Mobile


We will discuss the <hr> tag below, exploring examples of how to use the <hr> tag in HTML5, HTML 4.01 Transitional, XHTML 1.0 Transitional, XHTML 1.0 Strict, and XHTML 1.1.