totn Excel Functions

MS Excel: How to use the NUMBERVALUE Function (WS)

This Excel tutorial explains how to use the Excel NUMBERVALUE function with syntax and examples.


The Microsoft Excel NUMBERVALUE function converts a text value to a number by specifying the decimal and group separators.

The NUMBERVALUE function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a String/Text Function. It can be used as a worksheet function (WS) in Excel. As a worksheet function, the NUMBERVALUE function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet.

Excel NUMBERVALUE Function

If you want to follow along with this tutorial, download the example spreadsheet.

Download Example


The syntax for the NUMBERVALUE function in Microsoft Excel is:

NUMBERVALUE( text, [decimal_separator], [group_separator] )

Parameters or Arguments

The text value that you wish to convert to number.
Optional. It is the character used as the decimal separator in the text value.
Optional. It is the character used as the group separator in the text value.


The NUMBERVALUE function returns a numeric value.


  • If any arguments are not valid, #VALUE! will be returned
  • If the group separator appears after the decimal separater in the text value, #VALUE! will be returned
  • If multiple decimal separators appear in the text value, #VALUE! will be returned
  • If multiple characters are provided in the separator fields, only the first character will be used in each field
  • If an empty text value is provided, a value of 0 will be returned
  • If separator values are not provided, the current locale values are used
  • Spaces in the text value are ignored
  • Percent signs appearing at the end of the text value will affect the result. For example: =NUMBERVALUE("15%") will return the same result as entering =15% into a cell.

Applies To

  • Excel for Office 365, Excel 2019, Excel 2016

Type of Function

  • Worksheet function (WS)

Example (as Worksheet Function)

Let's look at some Excel NUMBERVALUE function examples and explore how to use the NUMBERVALUE function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:

Excel NUMBERVALUE Function

Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following NUMBERVALUE examples would return:

=NUMBERVALUE(A2, ".", ",")
Result: 1000.5      'Uses a period for the decimal separator and a comma as a group separator

=NUMBERVALUE(A3, ".", ",");
Result: 300000.1    'Group separators do not have to be on thousand intervals

=NUMBERVALUE(A4, ".", ",")
Result: 3000        'Spaces are ignored in the text value

=NUMBERVALUE("4_250:50", ":", "_")
Result: 4250.50     'Separators can be characters other than commas and periods

=NUMBERVALUE("1.200,70", ",", ".")
Result: 1200.7      'Some regions use commas as decimal separators and periods as group separators