totn Access Functions

MS Access: Concatenate strings together

This MSAccess tutorial explains how to use the Access & operator to conatentate strings together with syntax and examples.


In Microsoft Access, you can concatenate multiple strings together into a single string with the & operator.


The syntax to concatenate strings using the & operator in MS Access is:

string_1 & string_2 & string_n

Parameters or Arguments

There are no parameters or arguments for the & operator.

Applies To

The & operator can be used in the following versions of Microsoft Access:

  • Access 2019, Access 2016, Access 2013, Access 2010, Access 2007, Access 2003, Access XP, Access 2000


Let's look at how to use the & operator in MS Access:

"new" & "ark"
Result: "newark"

"Tech on the" & " Net!"
Result: "Tech on the Net!"

"This " & "is " & "a test"
Result: "This is a test"

Concatenate Space Characters

When you are concatenating values together, you might want to add space characters to separate your concatenated values. Otherwise, you might get a long string with the concatenated values running together. This makes it very difficult to read the results.

Let's look at an easy example.

We can concatenate a space character using the & operator.

For example:

"Sarah" & " " & "Johnson"
Result: "Sarah Johnson"

In this example, we have used the & operator to add a space character between the values Sarah and Johnson. This will prevent our values from being squished together.

Instead our result would appear as follows:

"Sarah Johnson"

Concatenate Quotation Marks

Since the & operator will concatenate string values that are enclosed in quotation marks, it isn't straight forward how to add a quotation mark character to the concatenated results.

Let's look at a fairly easy example that shows how to add a quotation mark to the resulting concatenated string using the & operator.

For example:

"Orange " & """" & " Pear"
Result: Orange " Pear

In this example, we have used the & operator to add a quotation mark to the middle of the resulting string.

Since our strings to concatenate are enclosed in quotation marks, we use 2 additional quotation marks within the surrounding quotation marks to represent a quotation mark in our result as follows:


Then when you put the whole function call together:

"Orange " & """" & " Pear"

You will get the following result:

Orange " Pear

Example in VBA Code

The & operator can be used to concatenate strings in VBA code.

For example:

Dim LSQL as string

LSQL = "Select * from Suppliers"
LSQL = LSQL & " where Supplier_ID = 2345"

Example in SQL/Queries

You can use the & operator in a query to concatenate multiple fields into a single field in your result set.

To do this, open your query in design mode. Enter your field names in the query window separated by the & symbol.

For example:

Microsoft Access

In this query, we have used the & operator as follows:

Expr1: [FirstName] & " " & [LastName]

This query will return the concatenation of the FirstName field , a space character, and the [LastName] field. The results will be displayed in a column called Expr1. You can replace Expr1 with a column name that is more meaningful.

For example:

FullName: [FirstName] & " " & [LastName]

The results would now be displayed in a column called FullName.