totn UNIX

UNIX Basic commands: mail

The mail command allows you to read or send mail. If users is left blank, it allows you to read mail. If users has a value, then it allows you send mail to those users.


The syntax for the mail command is:

mail [options] [users]

Options for reading mail

Option Description
-e Check if mail exists. Exit status is 0 if mail exists and 1 if mail does not exist.
-f file Read mail from mailbox called file.
-F names Forward mail to names.
-h Displays messages in a window.
-i Ignore interrupts
-p Displays all messages.
-P Displays all messages with header lines.
-q Terminate when an interrupt occurs.
-r Displays oldest messages first.
-U Convert uucp-type addresses to Internet format.
-v Verbose.

Options for sending mail

Option Description
-m type Display a "Message-type:" line at the heading of the message, followed by type.
-t Display a "To:" line at the heading of the message with the names of the recipients.
-w Send mail to users without waiting for a remote transfer program to finish.
-F Save message in a file called the name of the first recipient.
-h n If message has not been sent after n network connections, do not send message.
-i Ignore interrupts
-r address address is the return address for mail messages.
-s subject Displays subject in the subject header.
-U Convert uucp-type addresses to Internet format.
-v Verbose.

* Please note that there are many flavors of UNIX, so if in doubt, consult your man pages.